by Excretas Medical | May 9, 2019 | press release, urine, urinecollector
New inventive device for female urine collection Nowadays there is not a simple solution for the urine collection for women The urine of people reveals a lot about their health and thus plays an important role in the early identification of diseases. The current...
by admin | May 11, 2016 | press release
New inventive device for colorectal cancer screening The faeces of people reveals a lot about their health and thus plays an important role in the early identification of diseases, including colorectal cancer. The current method for collecting faeces is, however,...
by admin | Mar 6, 2015 | video Stel: je hebt chronische diarree. Dan kan een behandeling met donorpoep zomaar je redding zijn. Ed Kuijper van het LUMC legt uit hoe dat in zijn werk...
by admin | Sep 28, 2011 | fecescollector, News
Medgadget wrote an article about the Fecotainer fecescollector, with the title “TO FILL A VOID, EXCRETAS MEDICAL INTRODUCES FECOTAINER”. Featuring the latest in European engineering, FECOTAINER is a newly unveiled device from Excretas Medical. The medical...