by Excretas Medical | Jul 24, 2021 | fecescollector, stool
Stool Collector Excretas Medical is the inventor of the very unique Stool Collector. This device collects stool of patients. The device is also known under the name FECOTAINER feces collector (the stool collector). In 2019 the company has a restart under the name...
by Excretas Medical | Jul 24, 2021 | feces, intelligence, poop, stool
CBInsights did an investigation to pooptech startups and found out they received over half a billion in investments. Especially in the gut microbiome area there are very interesting startups. If the stool (poop) of patients is collected it is possible, with among...
by Excretas Medical | Mar 15, 2020 | fecescollector, specimen collector, stool
About the Stool Sample Kit The stool of people reveals a lot about their health and thus plays an important role in the early identification of diseases, including colon cancer. The current method for stool sampling is, however, extremely patient-unfriendly...