by Excretas Medical | Mar 15, 2020 | urine, urinecollector
Urine Collector Urine of people reveals a lot about their health and plays an important role in the early identification of diseases (for example kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes but urinalysis can also be part of a pregnancy checkup). An urine sample contains...
by Excretas Medical | Oct 7, 2019 | urinecollector
The struggle of urine collection for women For lots of potential diseases it is necessary to deliver urine to the laboratory. Urine contains all kinds of substances that have been removed from the blood by the kidneys (blood purification). The composition of urine can...
by Excretas Medical | May 9, 2019 | press release, urine, urinecollector
New inventive device for female urine collection Nowadays there is not a simple solution for the urine collection for women The urine of people reveals a lot about their health and thus plays an important role in the early identification of diseases. The current...